Author: Sharon M. Draper
Lexile: 740
Length: 320 Pages
Genre: Historical Fiction
Awards: None
Reading Ram Star Rating: 4.7 out of 5 stars
Stella Mills lives in Bumblebee, North Carolina, in the still segregated South. The Ku Klux Klan is active in her town, and they don't like it when the colored people don't follow the rules. She can't go to the white doctor, but she can go to the candy store. Stella and her family live in fear of the Klan, and what they could do to them. Stella goes to the Colored school, with the worst books and an out of tune piano. Stella has never been bothered much by the Klan, she just has to stay out of their way and not make trouble. Then Stella and her little brother see something that changes everything. The Klan has crossed the line. More and more, the colored population is reacting with little acts, and more and more the Klan responds badly. Stella has now experienced more hardships than she has ever known, but things keep going worse for her. Will her world be the same?
First of all, this book was written by the author of Out of My Mind, and I fell in love with that book so much! I think that Out of My Mind is my favorite book of all time, and I was so excited to read another book by this author! Stella by Starlight was so good! It is one of the many extremely good books about segregation in the South after the Civil War. A lot of books have been written about this topic, but this book is definitely one of my favorites. It was very well written, and the characters had such bravery and courage, it made for a great read. I am still saving the 5 stars for another book, however. Towards the end there are little breaks in between the story which I personally loved, they really showed how she could fix one of her problems. I would definitely recommend this book for third graders to seventh graders, it is a bit of a young book. It does have real problems that happened in it though. You should try this book out if you were one of the many that loved Out of My Mind, it has a different type of plot but the author is still writing in that same great way! Read it in your free time!
First of all, this book was written by the author of Out of My Mind, and I fell in love with that book so much! I think that Out of My Mind is my favorite book of all time, and I was so excited to read another book by this author! Stella by Starlight was so good! It is one of the many extremely good books about segregation in the South after the Civil War. A lot of books have been written about this topic, but this book is definitely one of my favorites. It was very well written, and the characters had such bravery and courage, it made for a great read. I am still saving the 5 stars for another book, however. Towards the end there are little breaks in between the story which I personally loved, they really showed how she could fix one of her problems. I would definitely recommend this book for third graders to seventh graders, it is a bit of a young book. It does have real problems that happened in it though. You should try this book out if you were one of the many that loved Out of My Mind, it has a different type of plot but the author is still writing in that same great way! Read it in your free time!
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